Raiffeisen Bank Branches in St. Gallen, Switzerland

A list of Raiffeisen Bank Branches in St. Gallen, Switzerland with addresses, phone & fax numbers, SWIFT codes and opening hours.

Raiffeisenbank St. Gallen

Address: Vadianstrasse 17
9001 St. Gallen
Tel.: 071 226 60 00
Fax: 071 226 60 80
E-Mail: [email protected]
Opening hours: – Monday to Friday – 9:00AM- 4:30 PM
Swift Code: RAIFCH22005

Branch Winkeln

Herisauer Strasse 58
9015 St. Gallen
Tel.: 071 314 00 10
Fax: 071 314 00 19
E-Mail: [email protected]
Opening hours: – Monday to Friday – 8:30AM- 5:00 PM